The Dream Meadow

Welcome to the land where your dreams live.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005


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Monday, July 25, 2005

Earliest Dream Memory

This is the oldest, earliest dream I know. It's from when I was about 3 or 4 years old. I lived in Miami at the time.

I'm on a tropical Miami beach at night, it's like a set from Gilligan's Island, with palm trees and a big rock and tropical flowering bushes all around. My mother is there, and my sister, and I think some other little kids. Some other woman is taking us away, and I'm very sad and scared. My mother is letting her, like she's either giving us up, or this is a baby sitter, or something. As we're walking away, I'm crying, and the woman is saying something like "we're going to go to Sunday school every day", and I look back at my mother and she's leaning against a big rock and smiling at me, looking like Ginger from Gilligan's Island, not really worried at all, and not showing any concern for me. Maybe she knows I'll be safe, or maybe she doesn't care, or maybe she knows it's just a baby sitter or a Sunday school teacher.

That's all.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Busy Evening

I'm at a restaurant with numerous other people. I don't really remember who the other people were, and the place was fairly fancy. Upon leaving the place later in the dream, I could see it was a 3 story house type structure, with white tablecloths. It looked fairly expensive. Somebody walked by and one of our group made some comment about her. It was apparently some very witty comment. I believe I made a comment after that, I don't think it was directed at the person who walked by. She stops and comes over to me, though. She begins to tell me how I'm not witty at all and should keep my mouth shut. At first she seems very serious about it, but eventually it is clear that she is joking about. She is a middle aged woman, a bit overweight. She has a jovial air about her. I would guess late 30's to early 40's. She offers a non-alcoholic drink that our table could buy her and I ask what alcoholic drink we could get for her. She answers the question, but I don't remember what drink it was or if it is even a real drink. I think it had tea in the name, but it wasn't a Long Island Iced Tea because I mentioned that I liked those in response. She even rattled off a list of ingredients, but I can't remember those either. I was holding her hand threatening not to let her go when she mentioned her incredible strength and would fling me out of my chair. I opted to release her at that point. We paid our bill, didn't buy her a drink, and left.

Later on, I'm at Jason's parents' house. Jason is there along with his sister and father. I don't recall the activities. But wait, it's not Jason's parents' house at all. It's Michael H's house. Haven't seen him since college, and there for only a short visit. But it's Jason's sister. I'm looking at my watch realizing that there's a Cubs/Braves game that I need to attend later that evening. I'm somewhat shoved out anyway because Jason/Michael (which one is it?) has dinner plans and needs me to leave so he can hang out with his friends. I'm curious as to why I wasn't invited, but I don't really care because I have other plans anyway. But I'm blocked in. I need the latest arrival (some girl I've never seen before) to let me out. I go back in and ask if she can move her car. She agrees and heads outside with me. Now for some reason I could make it out if I wanted to. Her car is still behind me, but there's enough space I could squeeze out. We joke about it and she still moves her car to make it easier. But now I notice the neighbor. It's Brian B. He's living next door. I walk over there and shake hands. We have a short conversation about what new things are going on in our lives and I mention that I need to leave to see the Cubs/Braves game. Remember that car I was driving? It's long forgotten. I'm at a bus stop waiting for a bus to take me to the game. There's a rack of brochures showing bus routes and I look for the one going to Coronado (in San Diego). Apparently it's in my mind that that's the route I need to take. I know I'm in Atlanta going to see the Cubs/Braves, but the last bus ride I took was in San Diego to Coronado, so obviously I'm using that experience for reference. The bus arrives and I realize that I'm taking care of my niece Mary. This is not good. I can't take Mary to the baseball game and I don't even really have the experience to take care of a baby at this point. In a panic I call Sarah and ask where Susan (the mother) is. I explain that I'm on the way to a ballgame and would really like Susan to come get her baby before I get in. Time is of the essence since the game will be starting soon. I'm afraid I don't get a resolution. That's all I remember.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Red Shirt

This is a dream I had many, many years ago, but I always remembered it because I thought it would be a great science fiction story.

It's far in the future, like 10's of thousands of years, maybe longer. And all of humanity, because of a lack of food or something, has shrunk down in size, we're like the size of a mouse, but still proportional. A community of people are living in an old school gym, and they're so tiny they're just like living under the bleachers or something. The outside world is a mystery to them, but they know they can't stay here anymore. The entire community has to venture out to find a new home, one that's far away, that they've heard of for generations.

The opening scene is a group of men standing by the giant gym door, with some kind of gun that they want to use to fire a message of some sort to anyone who might be living beyond their borders. They plan to open the door, fire the gun (I guess the message is on an arrow or something) and then shut the door before the monsters get in and get them. Just as they open the door and fire the thing, a giant cat tries to get in and get them! They frantically try and shut the door but he's getting his foot and face in! But finally they manage to shut him out.....they breath a sigh of relief.....quiet closes in on this scene.

Somewhere along the way in the story, they form a long line of people as they venture out and travel a great distance to this "promised land" where they are migrating to. The one in the rear wears a red shirt. This is to let everyone know who's at the end, and when they get to where they are going, they know that when the person with the red shirt comes in, everyone is there who made it.

They travel a long time, fighting monsters along the way. Each time someone in the end starts to get killed, they take the red shirt off and throw it to the next person in line. This goes on for a long time, many days, weeks, months. Sometimes the second to the last person in line has to retrieve the red shirt from the last in line after they've been killed.

In the end, the final scene is what's left of the entire community arriving at their destination, they're waiting for the red shirt to appear so they can shut the door and be safe. There's a lot of fighting going on, monsters and such. The red shirt is handed off many times and the ones in the back don't make it. Finally, the closing scene is a woman running through the door and they frantically shut it behind her. She looks down and silence closes in as she realizes she's wearing the red shirt, and she's the last one, and everyone behind her is dead.

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Gym Class and Mountains

My dream last night centered around me being in a gym class. Oddly enough, the class was made up of maybe 4 different people. I think we were there to play either badminton or tennis. Not sure which. I change into my gym clothes and start putting my other clothes in my locker. For some reason I have a bunch of stuffed animals wirh me so I have to put them in the locker as well. I then am attempting to figure out how the locker works. I need to find out what the combination is and remember it. As I am studying the lock, Mike Piazza walks up (he plays catcher for the Mets). He is explaining to me how the locker works and even lends me a quarter to pay for the locker (apparently it turned into one of those pay lockers). Somehow at this point I see Mike carrying a bowl of jello pieces shaped like fruit slices. I am very impressed with the presentation (he uses different colors to represent the peel on an orange and the inside). I compliment him on his chef skills. Now I am clearly late for gym class. I really want to go to the class since I enjoy either of the games we could be playing, but I become engrossed in a TV program. I think it was some sort of travel program about some beach. That's about all I remember.

I also had a short dream about Stone Mountain. I'm not sure if the mountain was originally Stone Mountain, but Erich and I are on a bus driving on the mountain. We want the bus to take us to the tram that will carry us down the mountain. Well the bus driver is going really fast on the mountain and both Erich and I are getting nervous. The bus actually would get some air over some of the rough terrain on the mountain. We both thought the bus would go careening off the mountain and kill us all. Then I woke up.

Another odd dream was one where Darryl offered me clip on sunglasses for my glasses. He had got new glasses (he doesn't wear glasses, so that was interesting) and his old sunglasses looked like they would fit my frames, they were unlike any sunglasses I've ever seen. They had foam behind the glasses with little eye slits so you could see. I spent the rest of the dream trying to figure out how to wear them and deciding I wanted nothing to do with them.

Thursday, July 14, 2005


I had a rather disturbing dream last night. I was much younger...maybe middle school age? I was living in this house with my father (who wasn't really my father, it was a black man). I believe there was a mother (who also wasn't my mother), but she faded from the dream. Anyway, somehow the father died. I can't remember whether he died because I did something to him or he just fell over dead. But he was laying in the living room dead. For some reason I was scared to call anyone so I let this body just sit there in the living room. I remember after awhile the body was starting to rot and get all disgusting. Eventually someone found out that the body was in there and I was living alone so they had some friends of the family come take care of me. Now these were people I know. Judy and Gary were the mother and father tasked with taking care of me. Apparently I was either displeased with the job they were doing or I was just crazy, but I decided to spill a bottle of vodka on the ground and light it with a match in an attempt to kill them and burn down the place. Well the fire wasn't as dramatic and large as I wanted it to be and they both easily survived. So at that point they pretty much told me I needed to leave so I ran off and went to this abandoned house. As I went in, this real estate agent type person followed me and told me that the house had just been sold and I needed to leave. Well, we started talking and she told me about this old lady who used to live there who got killed when a bus drove through the house and ran over her. I believe at this point I pretended to be possessed by the old lady to scare the real estate lady. What's weird is that I found that I actually was possessed and had special powers...pretty much anything I wanted to do to people I could. So I was going around scaring people and putting curses on them. At one point I entered a church during a church service and picked up a microphone to talk to the congregation. I think I blinded some guy and was generally trying to scare everyone else. It's an interesting experience being possessed. So then I went back to the place I was living before (the one I got kicked out of) and used my possessed powers to control the family that kicked me out. All was well for awhile. Then their daughter and I started going out and we went into this cave. There was this snake in the cave and the daughter seemed to be pulling it along with us. I wasn't very concerned about it, but then I slid down into this part and she didn't follow...but the snake did. It turned out to be a cobra and I got bitten and killed. I had been defeated even though I thought I was invincible because of my possession powers. Like I said...very disturbing dream.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


My dreams over the past few years have often had a dreaded Last night was no exception.

We had a new manager or vp or something at work, and he was a hard ass. Always looking around to see if anyone looked suspicious, or too happy, or wasn't working hard enough. For some reason, as soon as he discovered we were ahead on the budget or had a bit of extra money or something, he started handing out pay-raises or giving people offices instead of cubes. But at the same time, he was firing people for odd offenses.

My wife had just been given a big office. For some reason it had a bed in it. For some reason, I was in there and not working, and for some reason had to sneak to the break room. I couldn't go back to my desk because the new vp/manager was having a one-on-one out in the public area and didn't want to be disturbed.

For some reason, my arm got entangled in my shirt, and as I scooted to the break-room he was staring at me the whole way with a disapproving look on his face. Once in the breakroom I realized I would have to take my shirt off to get my arm back in, so I undressed. I dressed again as quickly as I could in a fret he was going to walk in and catch me with my clothes off and fire me.

I woke up in a fret of worry about being caught naked at work and being fired. For some reason, me being naked is a general theme throughout many of my dreams. Why is that?

Babies, Guns, and Movies

I had a very odd one tonight. I was visiting my sister, but she wasn't living in Kentucky like she does now, she was living in some foreign country. At least I think it was a foreign country. Perhaps she was just perceived as a foreigner within the United States. Anyway, she and her baby were living in a small apartment. The doorknob was missing to her door, there was just a hole. Although I remember locking the door using the doorknob, so that was a little odd. Regardless, I walked by her place looking for her...taking a glance in the windows as I passed. Well, she wasn't home so I continued on my way. At the end of the street I turned around and saw her coming up the street carrying her new baby. Her husband was interestingly absent from this dream. The perception was that she was a single parent. When she approaches me she is rather stressed out about something. Apparently the police have been monitoring her place looking for her. By monitoring, I believe it was stopping by on occasion to see if she was there. She was unhappy with me stopping and looking in the windows, fearing that perhaps some authority saw me. This was apparently related to the fact that she resembled some foreign ethnicity. We had to be very cautious in moving around, and at one point we skipped going back to her apartment because it appeared some policeman was nearby.

I'm not sure if the next part of my dream was related in any way to the first. Something was going down at the lake. I'm not sure exactly what it was, maybe someone was kidnapped and myself and my partner (I think I was a policeman or something in this one) needed to find her. We were in the car with the villain as I recall and they needed directions. Well, we decided to direct them towards the lake so we could perform a rescue. Unfortunately, when we had them head in that direction, it was immediately obvious to them that we were trying to deceive them. So now we were captives. Oddly enough, my partner (or me, we tended to switch roles throughout the dream) was given a machine gun. At one point during the walk through the woods to the lake, the guy without the machine gun (I was the guy with the machine gun at this point) decides to attack the villains. When it is obvious he is going to lose, I hit him on the head with the butt of my machine gun. Somehow the way I hit him was perfect to knock him out for a very short period of time. So I explained to the villains that he was out and wouldn't bother us again, knowing that he would wake up soon and be able to help. So we continued on. On the beach of the lake, we had an encounter. I don't remember all the details, but a firefight ensued. Things were going okay, but not all that great, when my partner awoke and had in his possession a sniper rifle. He was firing sleeping darts with it, and hit the villains multiple times, putting them to sleep. That was pretty much all I remember about the dream.

Finally, I had an odd dream about making a movie with my brother in law Erich. It was sort of a Star Wars satire, as I recall, but very poorly done. I believe we had in the final version parts that had other actors correcting the performance of the main actor. It was just a disaster of a film, but we seemed to enjoy making it and were contemplating creating an outtake reel, when I mentioned that really we didn't have any outtakes, because we used the outtakes in the movie. I remember a scene with Darth Vader, and I remember playing Winnie the Pooh saying hello to a bunch of little kids at a birthday party. Oh, and there was some scene where I was dressed up as a monkey and I basically just announced to the audience that I'm a monkey and made some weird noises. Clearly an oscar worthy film.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Beatles and Lizards

For the last two nights I have had vivid dreams. The night before I dreamed that Dolly and I were back living in a little apartment. There was nothing special about this apartment other than it looked like every apartment I had ever known. It was small and dark and one level. I was kneeling on the carpet playing with our little Yorkshire Terrier Winston (or Ruffy to me ). He likes to play tug of war with his stuffed animals. He is such a cute little thing but as I was playing with him, I noticed that something was biting my finger. I looked over and I was wearing a lizard on my finger like one of those trick Chinese locking finger cuffs. When I looked up I noticed that Dolly had brought in a hanging basket from outside. It was infested with lizards and they were pouring out of the basket grotesquely. I stood up to run but I was suffering from some sort of paralysis. A huge amount of struggling only resulted in the smallest amount of distance. I remembered begin afraid that the lizards would eat my dog, but I was too afraid to protect him. I was more than glad to wake up.

Last night I dreamed that I was at a big news conference at a fancy hotel. The Beatles were getting back together. I bought my tickets for the conference and took a long crowded bus ride through which looked like generic European countryside. When I got to the conference I sat on an aluminum bench like the ones at a ball park and bought a big diet Coke. The Beatles came out and sat at a long table with microphones in front of them. Much to my surprise John Lennon was there. It turns out that he was just in hiding and had not been killed. I was so thrilled to be in there prescence. The Beatles took a break from being interviewed and I went up to my hotel for to cleanup. My childhood friend Daren was there taking a shower. I picked up Ruffy ( my little dog ) and gave him to Daren to wash. After Daren got out of the bath, I took a shower but mud was coming out of the focet and Ruffy had turned into some sort of lizard or weasel. I was disgusted by the sight of the muddy water and my new lizard dog. I went back down to the lobby to catch more of the Beatles but they had left to be in a parade. I followed their float as it went down the street and pretty soon I was lost. I remember being scared that someone would hurt The Beatles.

Both of these dreams left me with feelings of disgust. I have no fear of lizards but they must disgust me in some way. My little dog is little I worry about his safety all the time. Maybe I am worried about protecting him. As for the rock and roll part, I dream of that all the time :-).


This is the land where Dreams are preserved for eternity. They may drift into the darkness of your subconscious quickly, but if you're fast can post them here before that happens.