The Dream Meadow

Welcome to the land where your dreams live.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Backyard Camping

I'm in the backyard camping with my brother (I don't actually have a brother). We're around 10 years old, though I'm the younger brother. My brother decides we should sneak into the house. I follow his lead and we sneak into the house. The house is actually my grandmother's, though the door leads into the den where there never was a door. I take off my boots and follow my brother down the hall towards the kitchen. There is some intense security in the kitchen. Two motion sensored guns attach to the ceiling, and there seem to be other sensors around, too. We are only concerned about the guns, though. We duck behind the counter and try to stay out of the view of the guns. I try to sample how much reaction time the guns have by throwing stuff out in the open. The gun closest fires at the object, but the kickback from the blasts make for unpredictable fire in other directions. We are almost hit be some of the random fire. I pull out a dishcloth in order to cover the sensor of the gun with it. After trying to distract the gun and place the dishcloth over it a few times, I finally succeed. We're both pretty shaken up by the gun experience. Now, my brother says he wanted to break some stuff because our father hadn't been paying enough attention to him lately. Now, though, he's changed his mind and just wants to get out of the house. He gets no argument from me. At this point I have some concern that our conversation may be being recorded by one of the other sensors. I make some outrageous comment that might confuse the recorder if it is. We head back down the hall and into the den. I put my boots back on, but my brother tells me I'm making too much noise. He fears our father will wake up. I hear some noise coming from across the hall (my grandmother's old bedroom, now occupied by my father). We run out of the house and jump into our sleeping bags. I realize I'm still wearing my coat, so I try to cover that fact up when my father yells out to us to see if we're okay. We say that we're fine and let out a sigh of relief.

The next morning I'm watching TV and there's a news report about a break-in at my place. They play some audio clip from the break-in and it's my brother's voice and mine. I'm very worried about this thing and I run to get my brother and show him. The clip doesn't say anything incriminatory against us, but we are concerned that there might be more. At dinner that night, the break-in is the height of the conversation. My brother eventually can't handle it anymore and confesses that he's the one who broke in. Not only that, he points to me and says I was with him. For some reason, we both know that our niece Maeby (clearly an Arrested Development reference) was in on the break-in, too, but I decide not to incriminate her as well. We both seem on the same page in that. Our father is most displeased with this and puts us both in the attic to think about what we've done. He calls the police and lets them know what he's found out and to stop the investigation. We're up in the attic and I ask my brother if he'd like to play a game while we're up here. We're both kind of reluctant, though, because we're up here for punishment and it would be bad if our father walked up while we were playing games. Our father eventually comes up and lectures us about the break-in. I think somewhere in this lecture, my dad realizes that he's been neglecting my brother and he lets us know that he'll spend more time with us.


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