The Dream Meadow

Welcome to the land where your dreams live.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


I am in a room. Gordon is there and Sarah is there. Perhaps Susan as well. There is a staircase leading down to a landing and then down to what would be the exit. For some reason we are not able to leave the room. It is not really clear why, though some voice earlier had mentioned that it was sad that people don't send letters anymore. Gordon decides that in order for us to leave the room, we need to write letters to people. The plan sounds like a good one. I search through my Treo to find some addresses to send to. I decide I should send a letter to my grandmother and to Nicole. I begin working on Nicole's letter and have a very difficult time writing the word Nicole. For some reason I want to write that "l" prematurely. So I end up with something like "Niloce". Eventually I get it right and begin writing the letter. I'm writing about some deep topics, but I know that when she reads it she'll think I'm crazy. One of the rules we decided to make when writing these letters is not to mention our current circumstance. People would think it was insane and it could damage our chances of leaving. To deliver the letters, we throw them down the stairs in hopes that someone will pick them up. I find myself wanting to sleep rather than write a letter. Gordon, Susan, and Sarah have all written plenty of letters so maybe that will be enough. Eventually it becomes clear that we can in fact leave the room, but the downside is that anything we eat is tasteless and non-satisfying. So, we will starve if we don't find a way to reverse the curse that was placed on us. In the end, it turns into a love story, where the curse is reversed with the finding of my true love. Found at a skating rink. The details are fuzzy, unfortunately.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Happy Halloween

I get the news that my dad has died. One of the guys that work for him, found him lying on his waterbed in the afternoon. I had to go to the funeral, but was really really reluctant to go. The thought of seeing my dad in a coffin really upset me. I go to the funeral home, against my better judgement and take my seat. The funeral home is not very nice. Sorta cheap looking. Organ music starts playing and the pall bearers haul my father's casket out of what looks to be a utility closet. The coffin is not normal sized, it is very modern and sleek and thin. When they open the lid, I can tell that the embalmers did not do a very good job on my father. I can tell that his face is stuffed with cotton, and his mouth hangs open in a most grotesque manner. I don't want to walk up to the casket but I do anyway. His body is twitching and he is making weird breathing sounds. I can tell that his body is going through the process of decay. I go back to my seat and before the service can get started, my father sits straight up in the coffins and turns and yells, "Happy Halloween" and starts chasing everyone. I take off running but when I get outside there are monsters everywhere. For some reason I have these magic sticks in my pocket and I throw them at monsters that get in my way. I am very good at throwing the sticks and destroy several monsters. It is here that my dream falls apart and time reverses. I find myself back in the funeral home, just in time for my father to say, "Happy Halloween" and start chasing everyone. I repeat the scene where I am throwing magic sticks. There was a feeling that there was an evil spirit in my dad's body.

Now this does not sound like a scary dream, but it really upset me. I woke up about 4:30 with my dad's death on my mind. I sat on my bed shaking and it was a long time before I felt good again.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fire for Rocky

It's nighttime and I am with Mickey, Rocky's manager from the first three Rocky movies. There are other people with us initially because they are carrying a christmas tree with them. It seems that someone has done something offensive to Rocky and this is some sort of revenge. Mickey suggests ramming the christmas tree up the tailpipe of the guy's car. What they end up doing is burning the tree next to the car. Mickey mentions something about hitting him with a strawberry smell. I wonder whether the tree has been coated with some strawberry flavor. Anyway, now it's just Mickey and myself. We light the tree and start running away. We run around the corner behind some bushes and start watching the fire. I mention that perhaps it isn't wise to stick around and watch. We run around a building and find ourselves looking at the fire from another direction. There are cars driving along the streets and I again suggest we get out before someone sees us. Mickey starts getting pretty nervous at this point. Every car that approaches he panics. We end up running down a dark street to avoid the cars. The street dead ends at a wooden fence. We are both pretty uncomfortable back there. I peer around the fence and see two fairly large black guys sitting behind it. I start to back away when Mickey picks up on what they're talking about. The two black guys are discussing golf or some other low impact sport. Mickey decides to join in the conversation. I'm feeling rather nervous as Mickey starts telling them that boxing is a real sport and they both need to check out the Rocky vs. Clubber Lang fight that's coming up. The black guys are more receptive than I thought they'd be. After the conversation when Mickey and I are walking away I mention that the relationship between whites and blacks has improved over the years. We continue walking down streets. Where we are going I have no idea.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Murder Most Foul

I had a rather disturbing dream tonight. I found myself to be a mass murderer. I would find mostly women on the street and render them unconscious. Then, back at my place I would whack them with a sledge hammer type tool until their body parts were such that I could throw them in the garbage. The whole thing was fairly bloodless for some reason. I recall shoving a femur in the trashcan. The last victim in my dream was Charlize Theron. After hacking her up I wondered whether her film Aeon Flux was finished prior to her death. I spent some time pondering after the murder of Charlize. I wondered whether I was addicted to murder. I questioned my ethics and found myself feeling guilty with no way to shed the guilt. I realized I would spend the rest of my life knowing I had killed people and worried that someday in the future I would spend my time in jail.