The Dream Meadow

Welcome to the land where your dreams live.

Monday, April 17, 2006

LAN Party

I'm lounging about on the couch and give Mike a call. He says he's interested in doing some computer gaming and that he's going over to Michael Barrett's house. I tell him fine and relax back on the couch. I haven't yet taken a shower or anything. Then I get a call from Dan. He's on his way over for the gaming. I'm confused because I thought we were gaming at Michael Barrett's house (even though I have the better LAN setup). I'm concerned because my place is a total wreck. I don't like having people over when things are disorderly. Now Dan is telling me he's on his way...not only that but he's nearby. When Dan gets there I tell him I'm going to take a shower and he should just wait there and ignore the wreck my place is in. I close and lock the door that has all my computers in it and walk into the bathroom for my shower. While I'm preparing for my shower, I am sure that he is going to try to get into the computer room to start setting things up. I'd like some privacy, though. I can hear him attempting to pick the lock. I finish with my shower and Jason, Mike, Michael Barrett, Nick, Reuben, and Robbie are there. We start to get things set up. Dan is trying to use my work laptop. I tell him there's no way that machine can handle to the games and he should use another one. I start to load up some game that takes awhile to load. Everyone else is setting up as well. Then we start playing a game of poker. Reuben, Mike, Robbie, and Jason are involved in the game. Suddenly I wonder what has happened to Michael Barrett. I check the other room and Michael Barrett and Nick are playing a game on my dad's computer. I ask what they're doing out there and they show me the game they're playing. They had downloaded it. I recognize the game and tell them that that computer already has the full version fo the game loaded on it. They didn't need to download anything.

Later on Reuben, Robbie, Michael Barrett, and myself are in the gaming room. I start to tell Reuben some secret stuff. Before I do that, I ask Michael Barrett to leave. I close the door and start talking. Reuben thinks that Michael Barrett should be asked if he's willing to keep the secret too, so he can listen and not be exluded. I invite Michael Barrett back into the room and he agrees to keep the secret. Then Robbie stands up and says he doesn't want to hear what I have to say because he's not sure he can keep it. So he leaves. I tell whatever it was I was going to tell Reuben. I wish I could remember what it was. Weird that throughout the whole dream we never play any computer games.